Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. We are shipping all orders prior to August 28th as quick as we can, though your seeds may not arrive ’til October. Thanks for your patience and grace! Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
We will forever be grateful for Roberta Bailey tucking a few of these seeds in the mail with the humble nudge of, ‘try these!’ Indeed, these bodaciously blocky bells are succulent and sweet, impressively abundant and ohhhh so beautiful! Each luminous purple pepper is green just underneath the skin, turning green when cooked and the ripe red fruit is heaven to slice, stuff and snack on.
Roberta (let it be known!) has been co-adapting with organic Purple Beauty pepper in Maine for many years, so fear not: If you grow in short seasons and would love to be surrounded by pecks of purple peppers nonetheless, thank Roberta!
Planting Method: Transplant Only
When to sow: 8-10 weeks before last frost
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch Days to Germination: 7-10 at 85°F
Sowing and seedling care: Sow indoors 2 seeds per soil block & thin to strongest 1. 80F heat mats will germinate seeds best; after germ, set to 70F days & 60F nights. Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings.
Move to 3-4” pots with first true leaves. Harden off (reduce water & temp 3-7 days) & transplant when night temps are above 50F. Pluck off any flowers at planting.
When to transplant: After last frost
Transplant Spacing: 12-18 inches Sun Needs: Full
Days to Harvest: ~60 days to purple, 75 days to red fruit
Fruition’s free course shares 100+ video tutorials to surround you with abundance for seasons to come. We look so forward to joining you on the journey!
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