
We love people, we love plants and we love how gardens gather us together in such hopeful, generous and generative ways! See you soon:

Organic Chocolate Runner Pole Bean

Saturday, Oct 19th | 10 to 3
Community Garden & Orchard Gathering

Join us saving the seeds of beans, squash and beyond! Bring your garden questions and savor the late season apples in our orchard with us. We’ll send you home with so much autumn abundance and thanks to the 100+ folx who have already joined our Community Garden & Orchard days this season, our farm is your farm is a farm for us all <3

Gift (Free) Event! Wondering how to thank us & sustain this work and joy alongside us? Take a peek here. Take a peek here.

Organic Ginger

Saturday October 26 | noon – 4 pm
Embody Your Medicine: Ginger U-Dig, Fire Cider Making, Pawpaw Tasting & Garlic Share

At noon, come dig lusciously fragrant baby ginger, Friends! At 1 we’ll make our own Fire Cider together from ingredients on the farm and our wide community. At 2 we’ll savor pawpaws together and at 2:30 we’ll also share garlic, shallots and garlic fertilizer with you, Friends. Bring a bag for your ginger, a vase for u-pick dahlias, a jar for your Fire Cider and any ingredients for Fire Cider (especially onions, hot peppers & raw apple cider vinegar) bring them to share, as well.

Gift (Free) Event! Wondering how to thank us & sustain this work and joy alongside us? Take a peek here.

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Saturday December 7 | noon – 4 pm
Wassail! Celebrating Cider, Song & Tree Sharing

Join us sipping sweet cider & singing as we celebrate our thriving Community Orchard, as much yours as ours and here for future generations! Join us at noon for a farm tour and at 1 pm our Wassail Celebration begins! At 2 we’ll dig our nursery apple trees, sending them home with everyone ready to plant more trees for the world to come.

Gift (Free) Event! Wondering how to thank us & sustain this work and joy alongside us? Take a peek here.

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