Organic Ten Fingers of Naples Tomato

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Semi-determinate 75 days to harvest Solanum lycopersicum

HEIRLOOM San Marzano was our go-to roma-style paste tomato until we met Ten Fingers of Naples and Friends, we haven’t looked back.

We’re biased of course, since Fruition is here in Naples, New York, but her rich flavor as well as long, luscious trusses of fruit (hence the ‘Ten Fingers’ of her name!) are impressive. Also, Organic Ten Fingers of Naples Tomato is remarkably early, though not surprising, since she was gifted to us from our dear friend Owen Bridge of Annapolis Seeds in Nova Scotia. With few seeds and delectable meat, Ten Fingers of Naples is our go-to for sauce and salsa, along with Italian Heirloom, and we look so forward to sharing such abundance with you!

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7 reviews for Organic Ten Fingers of Naples Tomato

  1. Brian

    Nice all-around paste tomato. I liked it best for salsa. Plant grew stout and sturdy.

    • Heather (verified owner)

      Cheers to Salsa! So glad that you enjoyed the Ten Fingers :)-Heather & The Fruition Crew

  2. Suz

    Great germination. Delicious fruits. Hearty plants with big harvests. Very pleased.

    • Heather (verified owner)

      Yay! SO glad that they did well for you! Cheers to a most abundant end to the season :)-Heather & The Fruition Crew

  3. Lani Seifert

    Ten Fingers of Naples left the others in the dust! Excellent germination, and excellent production. I planted about a dozen of these and they are almost solely responsible for the 50+ half pint jars of pizza sauce. The other varieties helped a little, but cannot compare! Just love these!

  4. Candice

    These were amazing! They did so well here in my Ohio/6a growing area, produced like crazy despite me basically neglecting them most of the summer, and I have SO many jars of pizza sauce and plain tomato sauce canned for the pantry PLUS a bunch of jars of green tomato salsa that I made from the green tomatoes we pulled before our frost last week. All from just 4 plants! I can’t wait to enjoy these jars over winter while I daydream and plan next season’s plantings (which will definitely include these!)

    • Melissa Knox

      Thank you for your feedback! Glad to hear you were able to tuck some away for the winter months.

  5. Jackie Marchand

    Huge producer. Resists diseases admirably and continues to produce fruit later than any of my other varieties. Excellent sauce tomato. I make it and freeze it to have all winter and sometimes I can them for making sauce later. I’m in Rochester NY.

  6. Misti (verified owner)

    Ten Fingers of Naples have been amazing! It’s been a hard year for tomatoes at our place. We’re high desert (7,000′) so its never easy, but this year even regionally adapted varieties and old standbys were giving up the ghost or producing small tomatoes with a lot of end rot. We have just started getting a handful of heirloom slicers at the end of September, but the plants that did survive are all looking super sad. The only tomato bright spot are the Ten Fingers of Naples, which are simply amazing! They started early and have been consistently pumping out tomatoes for months, and they are still going strong on big, healthy plants. This might be our biggest paste tomato harvest yet, despite loosing all of our other paste tomatoes before they even flowered. Nice flavor, uniform size, easy to work with. I can’t say enough about how well this variety did for us. Highly recommend!

  7. Monique Skelly (verified owner)

    These are the BEST tomatoes for canning and salsas. I will always grow these

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Organic Ten Fingers of Naples Tomato

Planting Method: Transplant Only

When to sow: 6-8 weeks before last frost

Seed Depth: 1/8 inch     Days to Germination: 7-10 at 80°F (27°C) 

Sowing and seedling care: Don’t start too early! Sow indoors 2 seeds/cell or soil block, & thin to 1. We recommend sowing on a heat mat at 80°F to emergence, 75°F after. Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings. Pot up to 3-4” pots when first true leaves, submerging 3/4 of the stem below soil.

When to transplant: Harden off & transplant outdoors after frost, again burying stem.

Strong 3′ trellis optional but helpful. Water soil, not leaves. Prune lowest stem “suckers” as they emerge.

Transplant Spacing:  2.5 feet    Sun Needs: Full

Days to Harvest: 75

Height: 5-foot+

Harvest: Perfect for sauces/salsas!

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