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Growing Tomatoes, Growing Ourselves

~ just a loving reminder that you are enough, just like your tomatoes, today and all days ~

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

image 7

& the whole Fruition Crew

800 x 400 tomato 3 1

8 thoughts on “Growing Tomatoes, Growing Ourselves

  1. A huge big thankyou from across the world in France. From my first visit to your site, shallots I think, i feltyour spiritual truth. As a avid permaculturist I consider my garden my home, you have added a dimention for me, more joy tobe found all around me, just now in my tomato bed.
    Thanks and love to you all
    Andrew (in France)

    1. Hi Andrew, Thanks for sharing and for being a part of the Fruition community from afar! <3 Melissa

  2. Petra thank you for your beautiful inspiration. I so needed to hear that today.
    Peace n strong roots~

    1. Hi Gin, Thanks for sharing!
      Sending so much love your way. <3 Melissa

  3. That was beautiful… Moved me to tears.

    1. Hello Seasonn, Thanks you for sharing!
      <3<3<3 Melissa

  4. Thank you so much for this, I really needed this message this morning <3

  5. Precious Petra;
    I am 69 years young, and throughout the years since I first discovered Fruition and you, I have been so blessed by and with your love, your wisdom, your sense of sharing, your respect for life in all its forms, and your unending desire to bring about world change with LOVE. I wish I could hug you in person. But for this moment in time, I want you to know that I am but one of millions whom you bless simply by waking each morning. May God continue to bless you, Matthew, all the “children” of Frution and the work that you share with us all- abundantly. WE LOVE YOU!

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