Sowing Tomatoes! With Sonya Harris | Community Q & Q

There’s always so much more to share!

If you’re looking for organic tomato, pepper or eggplant seed, you’ll always find them here along with the grow lights, heat mats and potting mix we love to surround you with abundance!

Before you begin, hop into our free Starting Seeds with Ease course, there are so many how-to videos about sowing tomato seeds & for the step-by-step for the entire season, download our 11-page Tomato Growing Guide in Fruition’s free Growing Library!

A Checklist of Tools

to set you up for success:

Seeds (we share ours here)

Trays (top & bottom! we share trays in our Ultimate Seedling Success Kit as well as at our Garden Store)

Potting Mix (we share our organic potting mix options here & bring tub & warm water to moisten it)

Labels (yogurt containers totally count! a waterproof marker is an extra bonus)

Full-Spectrum LED lights (we share the lights we use here)

Optional & Optimal:

Heat Mat (we share our favorite heat mat here)

Take Notes! (our Across the Seasons perpetual calendar is dreamy for many seasons to come!)

And if you’re looking for the nitty gritty details, dive into our Tomato Sowing & Growing Webinar as well as our Onion Growing Guide in Fruition’s free Growing Library.

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Also, isn’t Sonya Harris wonderful?!!

Enjoy her thoughtful presence on Instagram (@njgardenteacher) as well as the Bullock Garden Project.

If you’d love invitations to our future Q & Qs, register below & see you soon!

Organic Chocolate Runner Pole Bean

Sending love from our gardens to yours

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

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& the whole Fruition crew