Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. We are shipping all orders prior to August 28th as quick as we can, though your seeds may not arrive ’til October. Thanks for your patience and grace! Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
If extraordinary flavor is why you grow tomatoes, it is our pleasure to share our Black Cherry Tomato seeds with you! Her luminescent purple fruit are exceedingly prolific, perfect for salads and kabobs on the grill. Black Cherry, like all ‘black’ tomatoes, has an incredible depth of flavor, an almost raspberry-like richness that we’ve never tasted in other tomatoes. Enjoy every bite!
At Fruition, we sow tomatoes in soil blocks indoors 2 months before final frost, early April for us here in Zone 5, germinating them on heat mats with ease. Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings.
Planting Method: Transplant Only
When to sow: 6-8 weeks before last frost
Seed Depth: 1/8 inch Days to Germination: 7-10 at 80°F (27°C)
Sowing and seedling care: Don’t start too early! Sow indoors 2 seeds/cell or soil block, & thin to 1. We recommend sowing on a heat mat at 80°F to emergence, 75°F after. Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings. Pot up to 3-4” pots when first true leaves, submerging 3/4 of the stem below soil.
When to transplant: Harden off & transplant outdoors after frost, again burying stem.
Strong 3′ trellis optional but helpful. Water soil, not leaves. Prune lowest stem “suckers” as they emerge.
Transplant Spacing: 2.5 feet Sun Needs: Full
Days to Harvest: 64
Harvest: Indeterminate
Lesli Sagan –
I grew these in two places, both in ground and in containers. And in both they were disappointing. Not much flavor, although the color was spectacular. Not a fan, sorry!
Sylvia –
Hi Lesli, thanks for the honest feedback. While we certainly only offer varieties that we have taste tested and find delicious, one of our favorite facts of life is that flavor is such a subjective and personal phenomenon! Thank you for taking a chance on something new, and providing your learnings so others may have more information to make their choices. Wishing you abundance this coming season & we hope you find a cherry tomato that brings you delight <3