Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. We are shipping all orders prior to August 28th as quick as we can, though your seeds may not arrive ’til October. Thanks for your patience and grace! Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
HEIRLOOM Hailing from the Mediterranean and reminiscent of oregano, za’atar is a delectably hardy perennial, impressively self-sufficient once established. Delectable both fresh and dry, Za’atar is both an herb and an exquisitely flavorful blend of diverse spices often including sesame, sumac, sea salt and sometimes coriander, cumin and other green herbs like thyme and oregano. We love to grow our own Za’atar and blend our own Za’atar as well! Similar to oregano, Za’atar is low growing and with velvet leaves, thriving in containers and partial sun as well as raised beds, gardens and orchards. For millennia, Za’atar as well as oregano have been used medicinally as an antiseptic as well as for stomach and respiratory ailments in addition to her beloved versatility in our kitchens.
Planting Method: Transplant Only
When to sow: ~6 weeks before final frost (sow indoors)
Seed Depth: 1/8 inch Days to Germination: 7-14 at 65-70°F
Sowing and seedling care: Sow 2 seeds per cell or soil block, thinned to one. Foliar feed with 2+ sets of true leaves, potting up with every other set of true leaves. Harden off seedlings (reduce water and temperature for 3-7 days) before transplanting.
When to transplant: After final frost
Transplant Spacing: 8-12 inches; rows 2-3 feet apart Sun Needs: Full/Partial
Weed and water well.
Days to Harvest: 80-90 Height: 8 inches
Harvest: Harvest often and don’t let flower for best flavor and maximum production.
Fruition’s free course shares 100+ video tutorials to surround you with abundance for seasons to come.
We look so forward to joining you on the journey!
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