Starting Flowers & Herbs from Seed with Tabitha! Community Q & Q

There’s always more to share!

~ and isn’t Tabitha so thoughtful? Follow her on social @forestridgefarmstead ~

We love sharing what we love with people we love!

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Heat Mats + Soil Blockers

make sowing many flowers and herbs so much more simple as well as successful. Heat mats help seeds germinate in a fraction of the time, especially helpful for slow-to-germinate perennials like rudbeckiathyme and za’atar…and soil blockers grow the healthiest transplants we’ve ever seen, especially for natives like milkweedvervain and yarrow.

Here’s a little something we made you and if you’d love the full season of Plant Now! charts, you’ll find them in our free Growing Library ~

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Organic Chocolate Runner Pole Bean

Sending love from our gardens to yours!

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

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& the whole Fruition crew
