Rossa di Milano Onion

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98 days to harvest Allium cepa

HEIRLOOM We first fell in love with Rossa’s high shoulders, tapered heart shape and of course her rich and glorious color; we continue to grow Rossa di Milano Onion for her remarkable flavor. The sweetest onion we grow, Rossa is our favorite onion for raw salsa and guacamole. We enjoy her grilled, sauteed and indeed any way we enjoy onions. Rossa di Milano is also an exceptionally long storage onion, easily accompanying us through the long winters.

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1 review for Rossa di Milano Onion

  1. Brian

    Nice and sweet, and fun to grow. They were a little on the small side for me, but I think that had more to do with my soil than anything (plus it was my first time growing onions). I will definitely grow these again.

    • Heather

      You are spot on! Their size is totally dependent on the environment that they are in 🙂 I hope you will give them another try and so glad that you enjoyed their flavor! Don’t hesitate to reach out anytime!-Heather & The Fruition Crew

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Organic Rossa di Milano Onion

Planting Method: Transplant Only

When to sow: Late  winter (~early March)

Seed Depth: 1/4 inch       Days to Germination: 5 at 75°F; 12 at 60°F 

Sowing and seedling care: Broadcast in flats 1/4 inch apart. Heat mats help hasten germination. Water evenly & clip tops once 5” tall (enjoy like chives). Good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings. Onions are hungry! There is a direct relationship between the quantity & quality of nutrients available and the quality and quantity of onions you’ll harvest. We foliar feed with dilute fish & kelp emulsion every 2 to 3 weeks until the summer solstice, when onions begin to transition to dormancy.

When to transplant: Mid-spring. mulch reduces weed & watering pressure.

Transplant Spacing:  5-6 inches      Sun Needs: Full

Days to Harvest: 98 days to dry bulb

Harvest: Harvest as tops soften & fall over; cure in dry place with fans 2 weeks in direct/indirect sun. Store as close to freezing as possible with 70% humidity.

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