Garden Q & Q: Let’s Sow Onions

There’s always so much more to share!

If you’re looking for our organic onion seeds, you’ll find them all here. Here’s a peak:

    ✦  Organic New York Early Onion: Beyond their delectability, we love their dependable earliness and long storage life. 

    ✦  Organic Rossa di Milano Onion: The sweetest onion we grow, Rossa is our favorite onion raw in salsa and guacamole. Also an exceptionally long storage onion! 

    ✦  Organic Cuisse de Poulet du Poitou Shallot: Long, tapered & exceptionally sweet shallots with a savory sweetness that deepens as they store. 

    ✦  Organic Tadorna Leek: We love to succession sow Tadorna each month through early August. Transplanting as well as mulching deeply with straw, leaves, or grass clippings increases the white, sweet stem that we love so well!

800 x 400 onion

Here in Zone 5 and 6, we sow onions indoors in open trays in early spring, often early March, transplanting in early May, several weeks before final frost. We share our go-to potting mix ready to go for you (!) as well as our DIY potting mix minerals so you can make 80 quarts of your own potting mix economically. Heat mats help hasten germination and good light is essential: Younger, less stressed seedlings are healthier and more abundant than older, more stressed seedlings.

Your onions are hungry! To harvest more abundance in onion quality and quantity, we foliar feed with dilute fish & kelp emulsion every 2 to 3 weeks until the summer solstice, when onions begin to transition to dormancy.

Enjoy young onions anytime & harvest full-size onions once their tops become soft and fall over, curing well to enjoy them for months to come.

You’ll find more seed starting wisdom in our blog, Sowing Allium Seeds for Spring and Fruition’s free Starting Seeds with Ease course, Friends.

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Organic Chocolate Runner Pole Bean