Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. We are shipping all orders prior to August 28th as quick as we can, though your seeds may not arrive ’til October. Thanks for your patience and grace! Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
HEIRLOOM Kalibos, simply, is the most stunning cabbage we have ever seen with deep purple, conical heads and wide, round hips. Organic Kalibos Red Cabbage is exceptionally sweet, tender and long storing, as well. We first tasted Kalibos grown by Blue Heron Farm (Lodi, New York) in March 2013 and were swept off our feet never having tasted such sweet, fresh cabbage so late in the season. It has been a privilege to collaborate with Blue Heron to select Kalibos for early maturity, excellent head shape, density and flavor and excellent storability, as well. Though longer to mature than many cabbages, trust us friends: Kalibos is more than worth the wait. We enjoy Kalibos as slaw, braised, roasted, turned into kraut and in borcht and are so grateful to be able to share this seed with you. Kalibos is best as a fall cabbage; sow in early or mid-July for best results. Lou at Blue Heron seeds them in early July and transplants them in early August at two-foot spacing; he waits until October and November to harvest heads of optimal size and sweetness.
Planting Method: Transplant Recommended
For Transplanting: Sow 2 seeds per cell (thin to one) & transplant at 4 weeks old, 2-3 weeks before last frost. Sow mid-July for fall crop.
To Direct Sow: Sow 3 seeds 12-18 inches apart. Thin to one when 1 inch tall.
Seed Depth: 1/4 inch Days to Germination: 4 days at 75°F; 7 at 60°F
Sun Needs: Full
Spacing (after thinning/transplanting): 12-18 inches; 18-36 inches between rows
Plant care: Cabbage grows most sweet and tender in cool temps with high fertility. Use row cover in spring to protect from flea beetles.
Days to Harvest: 90 Height: 2 feet
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