Organic Lacinato | Dinosaur Kale

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8 days to microgreens harvest 25 days for baby greens harvest 50 days full harvest Brassica oleracea

HEIRLOOM We love these gorgeous dark blue-green leaves, deeply savoyed and full of flavor. Though not as cold hardy as our other kales, the flavor and tenderness of Organic Lacinato | Dinosaur Kale is exceptional in the summer when most kale remains more tough.

Size Price Quantity# Availability
100 Seeds $4.45 In stock
200 Seeds $7.55 In stock
400 Seeds $14.25 In stock

2 reviews for Organic Lacinato | Dinosaur Kale

  1. mckel67

    I struggled with germination and growth with this lacinato kale. Did not germinate well two years in a row when direct sown outdoor with 2 weeks in the 70’s and warmer soil. Tried again, in plastic pots as well as soil blocks indoors under lights. Even when babied along they did not do well and never amounted to much. Other kales (red Russian, dwarf) did well and grew well, including a 3.5 foot (!) kale that overwintered. Not these unfortunately – maybe a bad batch? Will order again before I give up. For reference, I am in Central Ohio 6a urban garden with both in-ground and raised beds.

    • Heather (verified owner)

      Thanks for sharing your experience friend! I would love to chat more about growing lacinato kale! Feel free to reach out to to continue the conversation! Glad to hear that you aren’t giving up :)-Heather & The Fruition Team

  2. Jim

    This kale proved vigorous in my Fairport community garden plot (Zone 6B): I had plenty of kale. They also lasted very late into the season; one even overwintered though it was a mild winter.

    Kale is good in a salad, or put into a vitamix blender with an apple to drink.

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Organic Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale

Planting Method: Direct Sow or Transplant

To Direct Sow: As soon as soil can be worked, can be sown throughout the season. For full size leaves, sow 3-4 seeds every 12”, thinning to one. For baby leaves, sow 40 seeds/foot in a 2” wide band every 3 weeks for continual harvest.

For Transplanting (full size only): Indoors, sow 2 seeds/cell & thin to 1. Harden off & transplant around last frost, or in early fall.


Seed Depth: 1/8 inch     Sun Needs: Full/Part

Days to Germination: 2 at 70°F (21°C); 10 at 55°F (13°C)

Spacing (after thinning/transplanting): 12 inches; Rows 18 inches apart

Mulch to reduce weed & watering pressure.

Days to Harvest:  8 days to microgreen; 25 baby leaf; 50 full size   

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