Sending love from our negative temps to yours!
It never fails to awe & delight us, harvesting luscious greens in the depths of January.
What are you savoring from your garden still?
Even without a greenhouse, high tunnel or cold frame, even without hoops & heavy-weight floating row cover (which we share on our website!), here are the greens you can grow & joyfully harvest throughout the winter, when the snows melt, here in Zone 5:
️ Spinach (Giant Winter is our go-to)
️ Claytonia (below, this is possibly our favorite leaf to eat of all time!)
️ Mache (thanks to @turtle_tree_seed) for selecting it in the Hudson for many years before us!)
️ Chervil (if you love licorice & ferns, your life will never be the same
️ Cilantro (who KNEW?!!!)
️ Kale (Ruso-Siberian types are more cold-tolerant than the Tuscan/Dino types, Red Russian selected for many seasons on Remembrance Farm is our go-to)
️ Collards (Seriously, collards are BEST & we’ve been overwintering Hen Peck collards (above) for a couple years, they’re super cold hardy!)
️ Winter Green Mesclun Mix (we love this selection (below!) from our friends outside Montreal @fermetournesol !)
️ NOT LEAST! Chicories & radicchio are immeasurably wonderful as well as resilient, Tres Fine endive thrives with us all winter
And seeds that we harvest with a little more protection, season extension, all winter long:
️Shanghai Greens pac choi
️ French Breakfast & Sora radish
️ Snow in Tokyo as well as Plum in Tokyo turnip
️ Winter Density & Flashy Trout Back lettuce (as baby leaves)
️ Arugula
️ Cress
️ Salad in Provence (our favorite salad mix of all time!)
How to plan for all this abundance?
Hop on over to 4 Easy Ways to Harvest More This Fall!
And if you haven’t already, join our free Starting Seeds with Ease online course, full of growing info well beyond spring.

Build your skills & confidence quickly
with our online course
Starting Seeds with Ease!
Fruition’s free course shares 100+ video tutorials to surround you with abundance for seasons to come.
We look so forward to joining you on the journey!
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the whole Fruition crew