Giant of Italy Flat-leaf Parsley

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40 days to baby leaf 65 days to harvest Petroselinum crispum

HEIRLOOM Easy to grow and abundant all season, Italian flatleaf parsley thrives in gardens as well as raised beds and containers, even in partial sun. A perfect companion plant at the ends of beds, parsley is also impressively frost-tolerant, growing sweeter as the snow starts to fly. We love her upright growth, sprouting an abundance of leaves almost as quickly as we cut them, all season long.

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Organic Giant of Italy Flat-Leaf Parsley

Planting Method: Transplant Only

When to sow:  6 weeks before last frost (indoors)

Seed Depth: 1/8 inch       Days to Germination: 10-18 at 55-70°F 

Sowing and seedling care: Sow 2 seeds per soil block or cell, thinned to 1. Harden off seedlings (reduce water and temperature for 3-7 days).

When to transplant: After last frost.

Transplant Spacing: 10-12 inches         Sun Needs: Full

Mulch reduces weed & watering pressure in both gardens & containers. Parsley often overwinters; enjoy the sweet re-growth in spring before it goes to seed!

Days to Harvest: 40 days to baby leaf, 65 to full

Height: 1 foot

Harvest: Parsley often overwinters; enjoy the sweet re-growth in spring before it goes to seed!

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