Mini Inserts

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Large Soil Blocker + Mini Soil Blocker + Mini Inserts to integrate the two = soil blocking heaven

We love these inserts! They are easy to use as well as essential for soil blocking, allowing our large blockers to integrate seamlessly with our mini-blockers. The dimples in the large soil blockers easily pop out and these inserts are simple to pop in and out by hand.

Hop on over to our Soil Blocks in 5 Easy Steps blog for step-by-step written and video tutorials.

Quantity Price Quantity# Availability
1 Set Of 4 Inserts


$9.50 Out of Stock

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It is marvelously simple to make your soil blocks!

First, thoroughly moisten your potting pix (this is our mix we use at Fruition, ideal for soil blocks) with warm water (it’s so much more pleasant than cold water) and push your block maker into the mix several times, turning back and forth, until blocks are full of soil. (We often use our fingers to make sure there are no air gaps, especially at the top of each block.)

Lift the soil blocker and set into a tray, squeezing the handle to release your four gorgeous soil blocks.

Each block has a perfect little dimple in the top, ready to be sown with seed…and if your blocks are not gorgeous (and they won’t be the very first time!), it’s easy enough to start over with a smile.

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