Friends, rather than selling and shipping seeds, we now share seeds as an embodied gift practice. We are shipping all orders prior to August 28th as quick as we can, though your seeds may not arrive ’til October. Thanks for your patience and grace! Learn how to receive seeds from us & here are our FAQs.
HEIRLOOM The Italian trombone squash, deliciously resistant to squash vine borer!
We love Tromboncino Squash as an abundant and ebullient summer squash; we harvest when her neck is the diameter of a banana for peak flavor. Tromboncino has fabulously large squash blossoms for stuffing, as well! Trellised fruits grow straight while the fruits along the ground spiral exquisitely.
As a massive winter squash, Tromboncino is endlessly impressive to feast our eyes upon though her flesh is more watery and less sweet than classic butternut, so nothing to write home about. That being said, we enjoy her nonetheless! Our favorite way to prepare mature Tromboncino is to slice the neck into large, thin coins to roast with plenty of oil, salt and pepper to make delightful Tromboncino ‘chips’ for snacking or hilarious sandwiches.
Planting Method: Direct Sow or Transplant
To Direct Sow: After last frost, sow 2 seeds every 3-4 feet in rich soil, thinning to one.
For Transplanting: Start seedlings 3 weeks before final frost in peat pots or soil blocks for minimal root disturbance. Transplant after last frost.
Plant care: Protect from cucumber beetle with floating row cover – remove when the plants start flowering. Trellis for straight fruit.
Seed Depth: 1 inch Days to Germination: 5 days at 80°F
Sun Needs: Full
Spacing (after thinning/transplanting): 3-4 feet
Days to Harvest: 50 days to summer squash, 100 days to winter squash
Harvest: Enjoy non-fruiting blossoms stuffed or in fritters. For summer squash, harvest fruits when necks are the thickness of a banana, and harvest often for maximum production.
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