Sunday, August 13, 2023
noon to 3 pm at Fruition Seeds
Each year we grow thousands of pounds of certified organic tomatoes just for the seeds inside, so join us squeezing seeds and we’ll send you home with all the organic tomatoes you’d love! We’ll also taste many other tomatoes growing on the farm, including tomatoes we’ve yet to share, so you’ll be the first to savor.
Simply bring your own chair, water to sip (we’ve plenty of mint!) and containers to bring your tomatoes home in!
In 2023, we’ll be making community seed selections for our Finger Lakes Long v.1 paste tomato, our own regionally adapted San Marzano heirloom of tomorrow in the making, and here’s a little more of the story:

It’s late June and the next generation is flowering!
Of so many beings ~
Among them, we’re on the edge of our seats to see who’s emerging in our paste tomatoes: Finger Lakes Long evolution is well underway.
May I tell you a story?
First, let’s back up.

If you’re growing tomatoes, you’re likely growing tomato diseases, as well. And Friends, there are a number of ways to prevent tomato disease, though there is no silver bullet. The dream is to pair inherent, naturally occurring genetic disease resistance with best cultural practices. Here’s the thing: so many of the disease-resistant varieties that exist are often proprietary ‘intellectual property’ or not delicious — or both! What is a resilient gardener to do?
In 2019, we crossed a tomato resistant to early blight, late blight and septoria leaf spot from Cornell — cu 79, as the darling names of breeding lines often decree! — with a delectable heirloom, 10 Fingers of Naples, cascading trusses of roma-style fruit. The subsequent seeds were the best of both worlds — delicious disease resistance — though in diverse expressions of both. The fruit shape also varied — to the extent that we named the next generation Finger Lakes Long the lower row in the image below) and Finger Lakes Round (the upper row)! Part of our See(d)ing the Change project, you’ll see ‘v.1’ after each name and we’re excited to smell, see, taste and share next iterative versions with you, Friends.

And an invitation!
Together, let’s make selections for the next generation:
Would you love the fruit to be a little longer?
A little wider?
Less juicy?
Less seeds?
More flavor?
We don’t save seeds in a vacuum — we grow them in community, for community, for generations to come…

We are the Seeds
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the whole Fruition Crew

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