The Best Garlic To Plant

We love to share what we love... and we love garlic and shallots! You'll find gorgeous seed garlic & shallots listed here every late Summer/early Fall. And don't forget the fertility... our Organic Garlic and Shallot Fertilizer has specially blended diverse amendments to feed both our soil and our alliums, and in turn, us!

Transcript: What is the best garlic that you can plant this fall? I get often asked when you can plant garlic that you find in a grocery store at the farmers market and friends, here’s the truth: you can, but here’s why you shouldn’t. Of course you can, each of those cloves will turn into their own beautiful bulbs for next season. But here’s the thing. There’s a really big difference between seed garlic and edible eating garlic and you can eat all garlic but seed garlic is so much bigger, so much more beautiful. It’s healthier, and often it’s whether it’s certified organic and nematode free you’re really confident that it is not just for eating but it is seedstock so it is the cream of the crop.

What you find at a farmers market what you find in a grocery store. This is edible stock and so it may or may not be diseased, it may or may not be organic, and it’s certainly going to be the smallest bulbs of the farmer that the farmer grew. Their biggest bulbs they’re planting, and the other biggest bulbs they can sell as seed. But the smaller bulbs they are totally going to sell as eating garlic. And, there’s a very direct relationship between the size and health of the bulb of garlic that you plant in the fall and the bulb of garlic that you will harvest the next season. The smaller the bulbs the smaller the ultimate bulbs will be. The smaller the cloves, the smaller the ultimate bulbs will be.

So yes, you certainly can plant any garlic that you find and I highly recommend getting bonafide seed stock are like that is huge, that is beautiful, that is nematode free, that is super healthy looking and disease-free. And that way you’re setting yourself up for the biggest, most abundant, most successful garlic crop the following year.