Garlic as Medicine

We love to share what we love... and we love garlic and shallots! You'll find gorgeous seed garlic & shallots listed here every late Summer/early Fall. And don't forget the fertility... our Organic Garlic and Shallot Fertilizer has specially blended diverse amendments to feed both our soil and our alliums, and in turn, us!

Transcript: “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” These other words of Hippocrates, the Greek physician, kind of the Father, father of Western medicine, and he loved garlic and he prescribed it for all kinds of things. And it’s exciting that several thousand years later we are with scientific empirical evidence confirming that garlic has so many medicinal properties in addition to being so delicious.

So yes, it’s amazing in terms of immune boosting is amazing in terms of reducing blood pressure, reducing and lowering cholesterol,both total cholesterol and LDL. It’s incredibly full of antioxidants. It’s super antibiotic antiseptic, and also anti inflammatory.

And I’d like to tell you a couple stories about my personal experience with garlic. Garlic is one of my go-tos when I’m feeling a little cold coming on, and I will crush an entire clove let it set for 15 minutes , and then I eat it with either some fresh basil and olive oil or something else that makes it a little more palatable. And in my next little tutorial, I’ll share with you the background of the chemistry of garlic and why it’s such an amazing immune booster. But that is definitely one of my keys to staying healthy throughout the seasons. I love this so much.

And I also love it because as its antibacterial qualities, I’ve actually when I lived in Central America, I got some really nasty internal parasites. And I actually don’t know what they were, except that I was very, very sick. And I got some mentoring that I could either go home, which I didn’t want to do go back to the States, I could get some really expensive, expensive, really toxic chemicals to put in my body or I could eat the equivalent of four bulbs of garlic a day. So I said I’ll take the garlic, thank you. And I did and it took about two weeks until I was totally feeling better. And I felt like I was emanating heat and garlic out of every pore in my body but I felt incredible at the end and I’ve had so many friends that have had so many bizarre things happen to them and in other in various parts of the world and garlic is now all our go to and it’s been helpful not only for me but I hope you never have to go through that but if you do know that Garlic is here to help.

And also a final thing on poison ivy. Garlic is super anti inflammatory. And before I learned about another little trick without which I’ll share which is now my utter go to for Poison Ivy, I heard that if you made a garlic tea and put it as a compress on your poison ivy wound, that it would reduce the inflammation it wouldn’t make it go away but it would make it feel so much more comfortable. And I am super sensitive to poison ivy. My mother has almost died three times from Poison Ivy and I definitely have her gene. And I’ve gotten it many times, but I’ve never been hospitalized like she did. And now I know how to control it really well. But this one time, I managed to get some on my hand. And then I didn’t realize it as I was being being careful not to touch any of the plants that was totally petting the dogs that were with us on that hike. And so I had it all over my face, and my eyes were closed with the poison ivy inflammation. And so we made this tea, and I put it on my face, and all of a sudden, within 10 minutes, my eyes were open, and it didn’t again, solve the ultimate. It didn’t cure the poison ivy, but it made those symptoms totally go away for like a half dozen hours at a time.

So garlic is an amazing ally in my life. And I eat it all the time just for the pure joy of it as well. But I’m so grateful that it’s here as an amazing medicine for you and for me and for countless generations to come.