Garlic Spacing Considerations

We love to share what we love... and we love garlic and shallots! You'll find gorgeous seed garlic & shallots listed here every late Summer/early Fall. And don't forget the fertility... our Organic Garlic and Shallot Fertilizer has specially blended diverse amendments to feed both our soil and our alliums, and in turn, us!

Transcript: Let’s talk about garlic spacing. So the minimum is six inches. And I recommend six inches between your cloves. You can see here and our little raised bed, we have about six, seven inches between our garlic, we err on the little more side, because we want them to get that many more nutrients and not compete at all with each other. So we give them a little extra space. And it’s nice to have that space in terms of mulching as well, what six inches and it is an absolute quality minimum and a great standard to go by. And you can see we have three rows here. And we actually stagger them a little bit instead of they’re almost in diamonds here on the bed. So both of these rows are exactly the same even in line and in between these two cloves, we plant that clove in the middle. So that’s really maximizing the surface area, all the nutrients, we’re really going for it so and there. There you go.

Another thought if you have a raised bed, what I love to do and what I did growing up, if you have a big long raised bed, you can plant garlic right in the middle of it. And then you have all this lovely garlic growing in the middle and in the spring. You can totally be planting lettuce and spinach and carrots and beets and peas and all these things on the outside of the bed as you’re working with the garlic around it. And so that’s another fun way that you can interplant your garlic and play with it spacing in the world.