Using Floating Row Cover to Increase Germination & Extend Your Season

Floating row cover is easy to use and invaluably versatile. Paired with easy-to-use spring steel hoops, use row cover to:

~ extend your season in spring and fall, moderating temperatures & increasing the growth of anything underneath, so you’ll easily enjoy weeks of additional fresh herbs and greens in both spring and fall as a result.

~ brilliantly excludes insects, so we cover all our cucurbits (cucumbers, zucchini, winter squash, melons) with floating row cover to protect from Cucumber Beetles until they flower. Without the beetles eating the plants and diseases being vectored by the wounds, all these crops are much more healthy and thus productive.

~ help carrots and parsnips germinate more quickly and consistently! Simply place floating row cover over freshly sown beds of carrots, beets & parsnips, watering the fabric when it gets dry, allowing the cover to provide the ideal warm, humid environment to germinate the carrots (so they outcompete the weeds!) with impressive quickness.

~ increase the heat units beneath it in any season, so in cool summers we cover peppers, sweet potatoes (and other self-pollinating crops) to significantly increase our harvest.