As we begin to share all our new varieties for 2024, we’re wondering:
What is a gift?
I’m remembering when I was young.
My father and I were harvesting lettuce for supper with friends.
I asked him which head to harvest.
He pointed to the largest, shiniest, most resplendent lettuce and I asked quizzically, ‘but…that’s the best one…?’
‘Exactly,’ he said.

As we tuck seeds in packets and share them far and wide, we’re reflecting on how much our ancestors cared for these plants.
How much we’ve cared for these plants.
How, in harvesting the seeds, we’ve winnowed off the lightest seeds so we’re only sharing the biggest, most nutrient dense and vigorous seeds with you and all generations to come.
What a gift.
What ways, in our living and loving, are we such seeds?
Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

& the whole Fruition Crew