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Celebrating Fathers in Gardens & Beyond

As Father’s Day approaches, we honor and celebrate the many roles fathers play in our gardens and in our world.

There is no one way to be or become a father; the gifts and needs of fathers shift throughout their and our lives.

We have all been shaped by these seasons and, like our gardens, let us tend toward connection with the courage to grow, both in community and the quiet corners of our hearts.

Here at Fruition, we are grateful for the many fathers who grew gardens with us as children, teaching us so much more than simply how to plant beans and harvest tomatoes.

Whoever you are, wherever you are: If you are gardening with children, THaNK YoU! We love you!

Together we are nourishing our tender strength and share the abundance to come, as so many fathers have embodied across time.

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Dad, thanks for sharing what you love so abundantly with the world — gardens, caves, bats, cactus, pickleball! — and thanks for always being ready to smile, laugh and listen. Thanks especially for sharing with me your love of plants, food, seeds, soil and the world around us. It’s impossible to describe how much connection, curiosity & joy these gifts have given me across the seasons.

I grew up in your gardens and I continue to go to your garden to learn, be nourished and be inspired…

…thanks for growing all that you do and loving all that you do!

~ Petra, co-founder

Mike Sable Memorial

Thank you Dad, for teaching me that whatever I give my attention to grows, including hundreds of tomato plants & countless zucchini! For growing my confidence to dig my hands in the dirt and trusting me so I could develop my trust in the earth and our plant kin. You were one of a kind.

~ Sylvia, Operations Director,

sarah dad cucuzza

Food, whether cooking or growing has always seemed to come easy to my Dad. His enthusiasm to experiment and continue learning is always an inspiration to me. From cardoon hunting in spring to whatawedowithanothercucuzza in august, I’m grateful for all he has taught in both word and action.

david spector dahlias 2016

Among the many things my father-in-law has taught me, in the garden, it’s about about patience, persistence and timing. The details and care that you put inside the greenhouse in April will usually manifest a beautiful abundance come Summer. And if for some reason it doesn’t… talkin’ to you groundhog… there’s always next year!

~ Sarah, Creative Director

Sending love from our fathers and gardens to yours!

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

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& the whole Fruition Crew

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