Saving Our Seeds, Saving Ourselves

storing seed infographic preview
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Ready to Save Seeds?

Here are the a few seeds & tools to accompany you: 

SeedsFruition shares all open-pollinated and many heirloom varieties, growing true-to-type when saved & we hope you do!

Seed Garlic & Shallots: These are are the ones we use at Fruition Seeds, we’d love to share them with you!

Desiccant packets: These are are the ones we use at Fruition Seeds, we’d love to share them with you!

And if you’re looking for packets…

We’d love to share our gorgeous comUnity art packets with you!

Learn more & scoop them up here!

And if you’re looking for more seed saving info, you’ll find specific seed saving info with each of our varieties on our website as well as dozens of videos on our YouTube channel.

Sow Seeds & Sing Songs,

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and the Many Beings of Fruition

Thanks for Being, Saving & Sowing the Change You Wish to See in the World!

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